lisa søndergaard

aspiring at your service

Splash-image - Lisa Søndergaards portfolio Splash-image - Lisa Søndergaards portfolio

[ p e r s o n ]

My name is Lisa and if you’re reading this paragraph, then you found my portfolio. I got my Mulimedia design degree from KEA in January and now I'm a student in BA web development, also at KEA, an education that focuses on programming digital applications.

During my 2.5 years in KEA I’ve come into contact with so many aspects of the digital world like video production, sound editing, digital design, drawing illustrations, UX design, game creation, SEO, iterative testing methods and agile work processes like SCRUM and Design Sprint.

With that being said, there is no doubt in my mind, that my passion lies in programming. Here we've worked with HTML, various forms of CSS, Javascript, React, PHP, JSON, React Native and shell scripting to name some.

In multimedia design I chose the professional profile frontend design, which I haven't regretted for a second. I knew I wanted to primarily program and secondly design user interfaces. To me there is nothing more rewarding than to see an application being built from skratch through code.

In my professional life I am meticulous, thorough, and a bit of a perfectionist, but also encouraging, helpful and resourceful when it comes to being a teamplayer. This is something that comes in handy in my student jobs as a tutor & tutor coordinator in multimedia design and UX designer and frontend developer at IoT Cleaning.

Structure is important to me -you know the person who's always got several handwritten lists on their desk, so they can keep track of the tasks even if there's already a scrum board for the team? That's me. And I find it more satisfying than most, when I can cross off an item.

On the social side, I find it very important to connect with my co-workers and to socialize without it necessarily being in relation to the job. Maybe while drinking a beer or two when a project is done or at a friday bar.

You can skip through my cv here.

Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

[ p o r t f o l i o ]

Projects from 3, 4. & 5. semester in Multimedia design/Web development.

Includes semi complex, interactive and dynamic web productions.



[ c o n t a c t ]


I'm sitting here waiting for your message!

* Mandatory

Lisa's linkedIn Lisa's mail address


BA in Web development

Jan 2021 - June 2022
Bachelor degree
KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology

Multimedia design

Jan 2019 - Jan 2021
Academy profession degree (AP)
KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Professional profile: Frontend design & development
Average weighted grade: 11,75

EUX Business

Aug 2017 - Jan 2019
Secondary education
Skive College
Profile: IT and business economics
Average weighted grade: 10,6

Event Management

March 2012 - April 2012
Single course, Academy course
Erhvervsakademi Dania
Grade: 10

Event coordinator

Jan 2011 - Jan 2013
Secondary education
Average weighted grade: 8,5

Makeup artist

Aug 2008 - Jan 2009
Creative education
Fagskolen for dekorativ kosmetik
Professional profile: Beauty makeup


Frontend developer and UX design (student job)

March 2021 - Current
IoT Cleaning
Frontend development and UX design for a small software company that develops the future sustainable solution for the cleaning industry. The frontend is made with React, SCSS and Material UI.

Tutor & tutor coordinator, multimedia design

Jan 2020 - Current (tutor) || July 2020 - current (tutor coordinator)
KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Helping and coaching other multimedia design students with issues related to code / rest API / git ect.

Frontend developer and UX design intern

Sep 2020 - Nov 2020
IoT Cleaning
10 weeks internship, where I developed the UX design and frontend for two interctive interfaces for the company's software:

  1. A user interface for a cleaning asistant showing unfinished tasks for different days and locations enabling the assistant, owner of the building and the assistants employer to keep track of the assistants progress on the tasks. (made with React, JS modules and SCSS)
  2. A chat interface similar to facebook messenger (made with HTML5, SCSS and Vanilla JavaScript).

Owner of beauty/wellness salon

Nov 2013 - June 2019
HaarStraa / S:HE Copenhagen
S:HE Copenhagen was a wellness and beauty salon that housed 4 other small beauty / wellness companies. HaarStraa was a sub-brand.
Main responsibilities: Concept and brand development, management, graphic design, web design, social media management, administration, budgets, customer relations, strategi and business analysis.

Event coordinator intern

Aug 2012 - Jan 2013
Rust ApS
I got the task to create a new concept for Thursday concerts, and then being the manager each Thursday evening / night while the club was live. I had the responsibility for staff, musicians, customer disputes, and general operation.
Responsibilities: Concept development, public relations, online media, social media marketing, graphic design, club and staff management, concert pre-/production, promotion, strategy development.

Freelance makeup artist

Dec 2008 - July 2012
As a makeup artist I did make up in runway shows, music videos and for weddings.


lisa vegas
2003 - 2009
Responsibilities: Songwriting, web design, graphic design, music production, event planning, booking, promotion.

Youth care and teaching assistant

Aug 2002 - Sep 2010
In Fredericia, Odense and Copenhagen (various locations)
Mainly with a musical focus: Music teacher in various primary schools, director of song and choir in youth musicals, additional educational work with children and young people.


Spending most of my time on

  • HTML / HTML5
  • CSS / SCSS
  • Vanilla JavaScript / JS modules
  • React
  • PHP
  • JSON
  • Git
  • Parcels.js
  • Node.js (modules) / npm
  • Headless Wordpress / WP rest API
  • Google Firestore
  • RestDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Material UI

Worked with

  • SVG animation / dynamic SVGs
  • Material UI for React (MUI)
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Authentication
  • SASS / partials
  • GreenSock (GSAP)
  • Animate
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Cards.js, Mark.js, Day.js, date.-fns, mark.js and other small js libraries

Fairly new but very exited by

  • React Native
  • Shell scripting (bash/zsh)


Graphics & layout

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Illustrator


  • Visual Studio code
  • MAMP
  • Postman
  • PG Admin
  • Terminal
  • Android studio
  • Xcode
  • Brackets

Wireframing & mockups

  • Adobe XD
  • Invision

Video & sound

  • Premier Pro
  • Adobe Audition
  • Logic pro


  • cPanel
  • Screaming frog
  • LambdaTest


Board president

Housing cooperative Rørholmsgade 15 a/b
2018 - 2020
Responsibilities: Budget planning and general operations.

Member of the board

Rytmisk Musik Forening Fredericia (RMF) - 2008 - 2009 Responsibilities: Booking of artists, member surveys, administration, concert production, organization planning.


Kulturmilitzen 2001 - 2003 Responsibilities: Booking of artists, pre-production and concert production.



(native language)


(read, write, speak)



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